Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

Ten Words New English Vocabulary

As we know that language always develop like English language. American English improve their vocabularies in 2011, here is a list of 10 words that entered to the national lexicon or gained new significance over the last year.

  1. Supercommittee (noun), a colloquial term for congress ‘Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, to forge bipartisan agreement around the debt-ceiling crisis, or given the commitee’s ultimate failure, seemed like an unfortunate misnomer.
  2. Rapture (noun), the time during the second coming of Christ when the faithful will ascend to heaven.
  3. Cone of Uncertainty (noun), A recent to buy all of the bottled water at the grocery store. And all corner store. And the sidewalk vendors.
  4. Endgame (noun), The final actions in a large process. The eagerly awaited roadmap for how the European sovereign debt crisis will play out, thus allowing the rest of the world to breathe easily again.
  5. Bunga bunga (noun), often used in reference to the sexual exploits of Silvio Berlusconi, former prime minister of Italy.
  6. Tebow, Tebow is to get down on a knee and start praying, even if everyone else around you is doing something completely different.
  7. Gunwalking (gerung), Operation Fast and Furious
  8. Human microphone (noun), Use megaphone and microphones, a method of communicating.
  9. Oops (interjection), Expression typically expressing dismay or an apology, often at a mistake.
  10. Ubeki-beki-beki-stan-stan (noun), A way of illustrating to one’s voting base that one’s lack of depth on foreign affairs may indeed be a selling point.

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