Minggu, 20 November 2011

Korean Life Style

Why the Koreans want plastic surgery?
Korean Life Style like the desire to look perfect, it can not be denied is the desire of all people, but probably not "ambitious" Koreans, especially the celebrity Kpop that I often see on the Internet or television.

First, the definition of beauty is a high Korean population. Influenced by Western culture, the definition of perfect beauty or handsome seen from the height of the body slender, sharp nose, white skin and big eyes. Sense of inferiority when socialize make Koreans look for ways and solutions quickly to improve the deficiencies. They believe that first impressions are very important in finding jobs or in attending certain events such as weddings.

In addition, Koreans have a high competitive nature. This can be seen from their education system is full of demands. High competitive nature is what adds to its citizens are willing to do anything to get that perfect beauty or handsome. In fact, to perform extreme procedures. According to the Medscape site, including the ratio of South Korean citizens of the world's most high for the affairs of cosmetic surgery.

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