This beneficial ability than other creature just to show that human being have in highest position compare with others. Other properties of human being are the same with other creature like desire, instinct and moral. But combine with their ingenuity this character can be changed, using their ingenuity and moral human being can reach the highest level in the side of God in Heaven.
Novel the K talk about human greed (Keserakahan), human power desire (haus Kekuasaan), modern Communication (Komunikasi modern), Contradiction (Kontradiksi) and will ending with the Great of God Power (Kuasa Tuhan), just with their bessing (Keberkahan) human being will get their real happiness (Kebahagiaan).
This Novel will published as soon, and can get in every novel book shop in Indonesia, Insya Allah.
1 komentar:
congrate 4 ur new novel
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