Kamis, 12 Februari 2009

Cigarettes Create Physical Dependence

What Psychological Presure Influence People To Smoke

It’s possible that some people use cigarettes, at least in part, as a drug to help them deal with psychological problems.
• Among men, those who have more emotional problems and are less sociable are more likely to keep smoking
• Smokers who are hard-driving, competitive, and overloaded with work are less likely to quit than those who are less driven
• Some smokers show a tendency to use other drugs. One expert says, “smokers consumes more coffee, more alcohol, more psychotropic (mind-altering) drugs, more marijuana, and more aspirin than do nonsmokers.”


You ‘ve seen it countless times , and if you smoke, you’ve certainly done it; student stand in the hall outside a classroom, smoking before an exam begins. Ask them why they do it, and many will say it makes them calm. Other will say that a cigarette helps them concrete. In fact, though, smoking may actually interfere with a person’s ability to think. That is the conclusion of a recent study in which a group of subjects were asked to recall a series of words they had had a chance to study before being tasted . Those subjects who were smokers were not able to remember as many of the words from the list as the nonsmokers could; the difference was statistically significant, furthermore, the smokers had less tendency to put the words from the list into logical categories as they wrote them down.

So if you know some one who smokes before taking an exam or facing any other situation that requires clear thinking , you might call attention to the fact that smoking reduces thinking. The person will do better without the cigarette.

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