Selasa, 17 Juni 2008


Listening news of poorless, story never ending in this country like therapy way for despairing.
Tears like drying, in arrow resistances of lustrous because serving TV with sadistic Film, Vulgar dancing, dreaming program, like gambling.

Poorless, Less of education, uneducated, be one of , reasons for criminal, malnutrition, prostitution.

I don't know what should I feel. Sad or confuse. Listen another information:
-Lowest salary of teacher in north America or Europe is 100 times bigger tend with income which produce one million people in Sahel.
- Salary of candy maker in Hazara (Afganistan) just 60.000 RUPIAH

Oh My God, How is imposible they life with minimum nominal?
But we can see, we are wrong. Look at! they are poorless, exist and life around US!

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